Wechat AntiDuck

There’s this annoying feature on macOS that would lower the media volume when you are on a call or Facetime which appears in Wechat, Facetime or Skype. Basically, you can’t listen to YT when you are on a call.

To avoid that, Wechat-AntiDuck comes to help.

Fix “No permission to open”

sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/WeChat.app"

This doesn’t work with the following warning.

/Applications/WeChat.app: the codesign_allocate helper tool cannot be found or used

Tried re-installing the homebrew version, no luck. Tried installing the app store version, still no luck.

Tried following this guide: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29848622/codesign-allocate-error-unable-to-find-utility-codesign-allocate-not-a-deve, still doesn’t work

According to this discussion, I just copied the app to another folder, signed it and then replaced it with the one in /Applications

It’s a known bug in the codesign tool. To work around it, make a copy of your modified executable, sign the copy, then replace the original executable with the signed copy and it should work.

For more details, see here.

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