1. Stay connected with ETH (VPN)
See wiki for detailed info. but the bottom line is that you have to stay connected all the time and this can be troublesome in linux or mobile devices.
2. Login (SSH)
It’s easier to use the ssh key for login on laptop or PC at home (how).
Otherwise, you should be able to login with the ETH passwords.
2.1 File transfer
See here for details but this should do the job for small files.
- To copy a file from
while logged intoB
:scp /path/to/file username@a:/path/to/destination
- To copy a file from
while logged intoA
:scp username@b:/path/to/file /path/to/destination
## 3. Writing code
3.1 jupyter notebook
See: https://gitlab.ethz.ch/sfux/Jupyter-on-Euler-or-Leonhard-Open
It’s quite time-consuming and clumsy for set up. Not recommended.
One liner if have cloned the above repo:
- Euler
./start_jupyter_nb.sh Euler USERNAME 4 04:00 1024
- Leonhard Open
./start_jupyter_nb.sh LeoOpen USERNAME 4 04:00 1024
3.2 VS Code Remote (DO NOT USE!!!)
Stop using this since it will overload the single node on Euler for some reasons
See here for instructions, have to login each time with new folder, download appropriate extensions and set up ENV
But this is still the way to go as far as I am concern. Unless the black CLI interface works better for you.
3.3 CLI
Good old ways of coding with Vim or nano (installed needed)
4. Batch system
4.1 Module for environments
One can also write this in ~/.bash_rc
to load the modules needed every-time before login, but not recommended by Euler since the module will affect the batch system when submitting jobs
Common ones:
- list current loaded modules files
module list
- unload allcurrently loaded modules
module purge
works similarly withload
- python 3.7.1
module load new gcc/4.8.2 python/3.6.1
- python 3.6.1
module load new gcc/4.8.2 python/3.6.1
- R 3.6.0
module load new gcc/4.8.2 r/3.6.0
Extra info. for python packages
Packages can be installed in a per-user basis using pip install --user package
details here
4.2 Batch job submission
Job monitoring (more)
- Real time output
- kill a job
bkill JOBID
****kill allbkill 0
- Check all jobs
for pending jobs only)
Job submission(more)
After loading modules files, -n
specify number of cores
requested, notify you by e-mail when your job begins and ends using
bsub -B
and bsub -N